Aviation and Aerospace Industry

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Aviation and Aerospace Industry

The range of lightweight, cross linked polyolefin block foams includes the lightest OEM approved, FR grade aviation foam, conductive and static dissipative grades compatible with the sensitive electronic components. These foams are used in a wide range of applications including aircraft seating, insulation, seals, ducts, buoyancy aids and packaging.

These foams can be applied vastly in applications like:

  •  Airframe- including ducting, doors, window gaskets, insulation panels, cable harnesses
  •  Interiors- Seating and padding support, seat crash pads, cushions, ejection seat support.
  •  Gallery-Thermal insulation, kit boxes
  •  Packaging – including tool storage kits, flight case inserts, conductive packaging.

Grades from AZOTE brand are well suited for this application:

Flame retardant grades

  •  Plastazote® MP15 FR
  •  Plastazote® LD24 FR
  •  Plastazote® L545 FR

Conductive and Static grades

  •  Plastazote® LD32 CN
  •  Plastazote® LD30SD

Standard Grades

  •  Plastazote® LD33
  •  Plastazote® LD45

We can play an integral part in sourcing these foams and also in converting these foams to your specific requirements for any application based on our inhouse foam conversion techniques.